This is the research team of the SECCOPA project.


Michael Gebel, Prof PhD

Project Director

Michael Gebel has received an ERC Starting Grant to conduct the SECCOPA project in the period 2018 to 2023. He is Full Professor of Methods of Empirical Social Research at the University of Bamberg.
His main research interests are life course research (especially school-to-work transition), non-standard employment, unemployment, returns to education, longitudinal data analysis, modern methods of causal analysis and multilevel analysis of compar-ative micro data. Within the project he focuses on the further development of the theoretical and meth-odological approach as well as the mentoring and management tasks. His research mainly concen- trates on East Asia (especially Japan) and Europe.


Jonathan Latner, PhD

Post-doctoral Research Associate

Jonathan Latner is a postdoctoral research associ-ate in the SECCOPA project. Previously, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Bremen International Graduate School of Social Science (BIGSSS) and a DAAD doctoral fellow at Goethe Universität, within the team of Prof. Dr. Markus Gangl. He received his PhD in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Within the SECCOPA project, he explores the relation-ship between temporary employment and poverty as well as changes over time in the risk of temporary employment across demographic groups. More generally, his research interests include work and occupations, income dynamics (inequality, volatility, mobility), and social stratification.

Sophia Fauser, M.A.

Doctoral Research Associate

Sophia Fauser is working as a doctoral research associate in the SECCOPA project since May 2018. Before starting her work for SECCOPA, she studied Sociology at the University of Mannheim (B.A. 2014, M.A. 2017) and worked as a research assistant at the University of Duisburg-Essen (2017-2018).
Her main interests are labor market research, atypical employment, career outcomes and longitudinal data analysis. Within the project she focuses on the effect of temporary employment on the subsequent work career from a country-comparative and longitudinal perspective. Her research mainly concentrates on Canada, South Korea and Europe.

Chenhao Hsu (4)

Chen-Hao Hsu, M.A.

Doctoral Research Associate

Chen-Hao Hsu is working as a research associate in the SECCOPA project since October 2021. Before joining the SECCOPA, he worked as a research assistant at the Academia Sinica, Taiwan. He studied sociology and received his M.A. degree from the National Taiwan University. In October 2019, he received the DAAD Graduate School Scholarship and started his PhD study at the Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS).

His main interests are labor market research, family demography, comparative policy studies, and quantitative data analysis. In the SECCOPA project, he focuses on the impacts of temporary employment on individuals‘ family behaviors. With comparative approaches, his research covers developed countries in East Asia and Europe.

Former employees


Nicole Saks, M.A.

Student Assistant

Nicole Saks worked as a student assistant for
the SECCOPA project since July 2018 until May 2021. She studied Linguistics (B.A. 2017) at the University of Konstanz and finished her master’s programme (M.A. 2021) in Sociology at the University of Bamberg.

She was responsible especially within the field of webpage design and research activities for legal regulations, for example, as well as translations and summaries.


Sonja Scheuring, M.Sc.

Doctoral Research Associate

Sonja Scheuring worked as a research associate for SECCOPA from April 2018 until October 2021. She is doing her doctorate within the project. She studied both Sociology (B.A. 2016) and Survey Statistics (M.Sc. 2018) at the University of Bamberg.

Her main research interests are social inequality, atypical employment, well-being, country-comparative social research, methods for panel data analysis and quantitative methods. Within the project she focuses on the effect of temporary employment on subjective well-being and social exclusion from a comparative, causal and household perspective. She mainly concentrates on the US, Australia and Europe.